Morgan Chaney Team

10 Tips to Creating Long Lasting Impressions Through Packaging

Custom packaging triggers a luxe consumer response by utilizing sensory cues. Below we list 10 tips for creating long lasting impressions through packaging. 1. Interactive By working with things like pop-up boxes, unexpected materials, ribbon closures, box toppers or printed tissues, you rid people of a mundane unwrapping experience. Incorporating these lively additions, helps create

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Is Your Packaging Wasting Brand Equity?

As packaging experts you already take on a lot: working with hard to please CEO’s,  consumers and marketing people, whose ideas are often easier expressed than executed. So, it’s understandable that one more thing added onto your ever expanding plate might seem undoable but this “thing” is vital—it’s repurposing your packaging. For many packaging designers,

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How Custom Packaging Can Save You Money

Almost all companies are out to package their product attractively albeit cost effectively. Yet, somewhere along the way the words “custom packaging” have become synonymous with “way more expensive” when compared to stock packaging. This is a shame. In all reality, many businesses would benefit, yes even in their pocketbooks, by using custom packaging rather

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Do Consumers Really Value Environmentally Friendly Packaging?

Well, it seems that depends largely on the consumer’s own personal values system. Often, people align themselves with brands that mirror their own beliefs. So, while it’s true that more and more ‘conscious consumers’ do in fact value environmentally friendly packaging such as reusable bags, it’s still rare for sustainability to be the deciding factor

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Bag Ban Legislation and Developing Alternative Packaging

Many cities and counties across the U.S. have or are currently in the process of adopting single-use plastic and paper bag bans. These ordinances regulate the types of merchandise bags or custom shopping bags business establishments can distribute, in hopes of encouraging everyone from retailers to restaurants, to shift to using reusable cloth bags. At

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5 Principles of Sustainable Branding

Sustainable branding is changing the landscape of how business practices work. No longer will slapping a company logo and slogan on custom food packaging or custom gift boxes equate to effective branding. For meaningful, sustainable branding to take place a company-wide re-imagination for strategy, operations and value needs to take place. The following five principles

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Conveying Brand Promises through Great Packaging

Good printed packaging gets the job done. It protects the product, displays information, and attracts a decent amount of customers. In other words, it’s adequate. Great packaging, on the other hand, goes much further: it emotionally connects with buyers and excites them on a subconscious level that stimulates the decision-making region of the brain– a

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Why Some Packaging Designs Miss Their Mark

How you package your product is one of the most important decisions you will make.  Good printed packaging increases sales and boosts popularity, while bad packaging sends products directly to the clearance wall. There are many reasons why packaging designs fail: this article discusses the role of marketing missteps. Marketing and Packaging There’s an expression: “You don’t remember what people said:

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Is Your Packaging Sending Out the Right Message for Your Brand?

Your product’s packaging does a lot of things. When it’s well-executed, it effectively contains the product, communicates brand information, and persuades buyers to choose your item over a competitor’s. Poorly designed printed packaging, however, confuse buyers, who may pass it by and opt for another brand. To ensure your range of product packaging– from boxes

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