Packaging and the Environment

As packaging industry insiders, we recognize the need to protect the environment. More recently, due to environmental law modifications and stricter fines for non-compliance, there has been an even greater consumer push for things like eco-friendly paper bags and biodegradable bags offered at wholesale pricing.

This can be a tall order for both retailers and their green packaging suppliers alike. One way to ensure greater sustainability is for packaging sources to design their products with re-use, recycle or compost capability. Ideally, their custom shopping bags or retail shopping bags can be upcycled for other purposes but at the very least, should allow for components to be taken apart and recycled.

This is an obvious one but it’s worth mentioning, suppliers need to make intelligent design a top priority. This allows for the least material waste and reduces both environmental and economic footprints. Moreover, providers should be utilizing the latest and greatest in recycled and post-consumer waste material to produce their merchandise. Retailers can do their part by securing a supplier that offers between 30% to 100% post-consumer waste content in their packaging products.

Finally, retailers need to find responsible suppliers who keep abreast on the latest changes in laws pertaining to packaging, so they can keep you in compliance and fine free. Verify your eco friendly paper bag provider meets your exceeds the laws set in your county and state.

Morgan Chaney specializes in environmentally friendly packaging solutions that add value and protect the environment. We have many packaging options including custom shopping bags made from recycled paper, bamboo and other plant fibers as well as reusable retail shopping bags and cloth bags made from cotton, recycled PET, woven & non-woven poly-pro and jute. Call 866-637-2270 or contact us online.

See also  The Timeless Brown Paper Bag