Do you need to refresh your packaging?

Every business reaches a point where they wonder if they need to revamp their brand image, including their packaging. You’ll notice that some companies change their packaging quite often, while others will stick with the tried and true for years upon years. There is no right or wrong method, as some companies have very prolific packaging and don’t want to risk affecting their recognition. But subtle or drastic changes in packaging can have a positive effect on your sales, recognition, and brand image as a whole.

Do you have a recognizable logo already?

Do you feel that your logo still represents your brand properly, and will last through the test of time? It might be worth revamping your logo if you are unsatisfied with it. You can make a subtle change or a drastic change, depending on how much of a risk you are willing to take. Most large corporations have made small changes to their logos throughout the years, while some companies take the plunge into complete redesign. If your logo is already recognizable, and consistent with your brand, a drastic change will probably not help you much. Subtle logo changes to keep up with trends in graphic design and advertising are a smart move for any company. If your current logo is ineffective at portraying your brand and business clearly, it may be time to think about a complete redesign.


 Does your brand have a solid brand image?

Many successful companies have established signature looks involving their packaging; Bloomingdale’s Big Brown Bag, Chanel’s glossy black and white bag adorned with their well-known logo, Tiffany’s signature blue box. These are all brands that have developed huge consumer followings. A smaller company may never reach that level of recognition in the marketplace, but that doesn’t mean you should abandon your brand image. Having a signature look or brand image is important in increasing your customer base and gaining market space. Packaging is a great way to establish, reinforce, or reinvent your brand image. Do you think your business could use a new branding strategy or an extra boost of advertising? Look no further than your packaging!

Brand Concept Blackboard

 What is your Theme?

If you have a retail store, you probably designed the store with your overall brand image in mind. Your packaging should also be consistent with the overall theme of your store. Sometimes a bright, colorful design is fitting or sometimes a very simple understated sleek look is more suitable for your business. For e-commerce businesses, you will want to emulate the experience your customers have when navigating your website or talking to customer service. It is important that your marketing platform as a whole is cohesive, and that your packaging is consistent. Is your business warm and welcoming, or does it emulate luxury and style? Your packaging should strive to reinforce the themes found in your retail stores or webstores as well as your products.


‘Danner’ retail store in Portland, conveys a naturalistic and rugged theme

Incorporating Trends

Trends are a great way to keep your packaging relevant and modern. Trends come and go however, so they are something that should be seen as a short term investment and it’s generally not wise to order extremely large quantities of trendy packaging. You may also choose to include current events in your packaging, if your budget allows for it. Some trends will stand the test of time and may end up becoming great themes for your packaging, but it is smart to test the waters before committing. Some recent trends include bright, colorful graphic designs, bold black and white designs, and simple and natural eco-friendly packaging.

See also  Choosing the Right Colors for Your Branded Packaging

This article by Brandfolder highlights some of the emerging trends in packaging design right now:


Picture from

Choosing Colors

Almost every brand has signature colors, whether it be the colors in their logo, the colors of their stores or restaurants, or the colors of their packaging. Finding a somewhat unique color to use in packaging applications can help you stand out among the rest. Ideally these colors would be consistent with your business, your logo, and/or your products in some way. Color has a huge impact on consumer behavior, so enforcing a unique color scheme can make your business stand out among the rest. Remember, people are more likely to notice someone who is carrying a brightly colored shopping bag down the street as opposed to a white one!

Custom Luxury Eurotote Shopping Bags

Importance of Materials

Some major companies, like McDonald’s, are committing to more eco-friendly packaging in the coming years. This is something to think about, as consumers develop more positive feelings about companies that care about the environment. In some cases, it will save money for your business as well. Sustainability awareness is also a plus, and advertising that your packaging is eco-friendly and/or recyclable can have a positive effect on your business. Aside from the eco-friendly side of materials, the look and feel of your packaging is extremely important. Your packaging materials should be carefully chosen to be attractive to consumers and to reflect the product in feeling. High end retail items should have luxurious packaging, often sturdy and smooth, with either a glossy or matte finish. Natural leaning products look great paired with natural kraft packaging that has a more textured feel.

Custom Packaging Materials

Final Thoughts

Whether or not you want to enlist the help of an ad agency, Morgan Chaney can help you refresh your packaging and enhance your brand image successfully. We are happy to collaborate with agencies that carry the expertise in branding and graphic design, and we will supply the packaging knowledge you need. Morgan Chaney also has talented graphic artists in-house that can assist with the graphic design of your packaging.

In the end, you may decide that your packaging is working perfectly fine and there is no need to change it right now. Changing your packaging or logo is a risk, but it could wind up helping your business tremendously. Either way, the packaging consultants at Morgan Chaney are happy to help you through your packaging journey.

Morgan Chaney