Make Your Logo a Success with Morgan Chaney

The creation of your logo is easily one of the most important decisions you must make when building your brand. Even with the most superior product, it is still essential to have a strong logo that portrays your unique brand, your company mission, and your core beliefs. That’s why it is so important to consider multiple angles when designing your logo and deciding on a specific marketing strategy for displaying your logo to the world. At Morgan Chaney we pride ourselves on creating Packaging that People Notice®, and we want to help you create a logo that, when displayed on bags and other packaging products, stands out above the crowd and brings customers to your door.

Create a Logo with Purpose

Your logo will represent not only your product, but your company as a whole. Make sure to integrate symbols that allow you to portray essential information about your company such as your mission as a company and where you want to exist within the market. Also consider your color schemes carefully. You will want to use theses colors in most of your marketing in order to stick with your brand scheme, so make sure that the color scheme you choose is one that you will find acceptable to display in your stores, on your products, and as part of your marketing materials.

Be Unique

Standing out from your competition is vital, as someone searching for a product only looks at a logo for a few seconds, if that. Stand out and make sure that you can tell your log apart from others not only in your product category, but your particular industry as a whole.

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Define your Brand Identity

Your logo will help you create an identity for your company which will continue to become a larger and larger face as you grow. Make sure to line your logo up with your mission statement and company goals, and avoid current trends in order to create a logo that will withstand the test of time.

If custom paper bags are your next step to building your logo and enhancing your business, contact Morgan Chaney for packaging today! At Morgan Chaney, we can meet your custom packaging needs in a manner that is beautiful, earth friendly, sturdy, and cost efficient. We make sure that every product we produce looks the best every time. Check out our main website at to see examples of Packaging That People Notice®, and to find out about our Enviro360 environmentally friendly packaging programs which span paper bags, plastic bags, reusable tote bags, boxes and more!