Conveying Brand Promises through Great Packaging

Good printed packaging gets the job done. It protects the product, displays information, and attracts a decent amount of customers. In other words, it’s adequate. Great packaging, on the other hand, goes much further: it emotionally connects with buyers and excites them on a subconscious level that stimulates the decision-making region of the brain– a powerful tactic that triggers the need to purchase.

Clear Focus

A strong brand with well-articulated values is the first step in creating accurately representative custom packaging. Every component of your custom packaging– texture, color, shape, and imagery– should work synergistically to tell the brand story. Use verbal and visual design elements that convey the brand’s focus and show consumers why yours is the only brand for them. Packaged products are the most tangible representation of the brand–  it is crucial to get this right.

Standing Out

Custom packaging that does not blend in– that differentiates itself from competitors — transcends similar products and becomes meaningful to the customer. Standing out makes category leaders whose innovative aesthetics attract first-time buyers, render competition irrelevant to brand loyalists.

Structural Integrity

Packages that are hard to open or have features that don’t live up to customer expectations fail in delivering on brand promises. While appearance attracts initial interest, the package’s functionality– how it opens, its sturdiness, ease of transporting– is also essential, as it is yet another opportunity to express a brand promise. Aligning core values with your custom packaging pleases consumers and increases repeat purchasing.

Building Trust

Packaging interaction and brand experience are strongly intertwined in satisfying today’s consumers, who see product and package as one unified experience. With the packaged item at home, the consumer’s choice is reaffirmed when the product delivers on the brand promise. This fulfilled promise begins a cycle of trust, as the consumer now consciously seeks out the brand when repurchasing items from that category.

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Packaging is the physical realization of your brand’s expression: when it underperforms your consumers lose confidence in both the product and the brand. If you need new custom packaging, or changes to your current items, Morgan Chaney would be happy to help. Our functional, stylish range of custom gift boxes, bags, and more can deliver your brand’s core values and build customer loyalty. To speak with a printed packaging design expert today, call Morgan Chaney at 866-637-2270 or Contact Us